Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014

Learned from caterpillars

Caterpillars are one of a very greedy animal devour the green foliage of the plant in which we hold dear. Anger so when we meet
our favorite plant leaves have been exhausted, even just live branches only. Feels sad and angry because we feel deprived of business
simply caused by the caterpillars.
Behind resentment and anger, have we ever tried to look at or a little stunned frowned over the act of the caterpillar or
otherwise we kill to vent resentment, setega huh?
Results caused by the act of the caterpillar is very impressive when compared with caterpillars form a weak and soft body.
Judging from the result generated then we can say that the character is a hard worker in the caterpillars defoliate leaves our plant,
such as if their deadline and had to rush to finish. The result is very frustrating for us all, namely that the plant
bare in a relatively short time and once again really impressive.
In its mission the caterpillars did not let a bit of time wasted. The new caterpillar stops when it came to the time which he had determined
stop eating to get to the harsh conditions of fasting. Very strict fasting without eating without drinking at all, in the scope
narrow and dark cocoon.
caterpillar leaves

ulat daun

At the time of this cocoon occurs an event which is amazing, the era of transformation of a caterpillar into a repulsive
Beautiful butterflies and admired the beauty of the human. The butterfly seemed to be born a new creature that has the manifestation and
new behaviors and utterly changed.
Should we keep silent about an event that is very beautiful and impressive, certainly not. Actually we should be ashamed if you see a character
caterpillars are hard workers. Caterpillars seemed to not have the spare time and wasted at all. The time available is very valuable time
for caterpillars to fatten the body in preparation for a situation where a large energy is required cocoon period, as if pursued-
chased by the deadline so that the caterpillar never rest ejenakpun to continue to devour the foliage.
Berpacunya the caterpillar with time, due to the worm has turned out to have a very clear goal and clear is collecting all
the potential is there to face a very critical moment that is past the cocoon, where the cocoon during the preparation needed
prime. The advent of the cocoon is a necessity, then the caterpillar prepares to work hard to deal with.
A prep yourself with the hard work done also in animals that experienced dingin.Dimana season to face hard times in the season
cold, many animals hibernate during the winter in caves or burrows, to avoid the fierce winter. To keep the body
warm and availability of energy then before approaching winter, these animals will accumulate as much fat in the body,
to be used as stock in sleep length.
Then let us look in the mirror and reviewing ourselves, is there a tremendous spirit that has been properly caterpillars defoliate the leaves, not a future
front and that the tremendous weight of responsibility we must bear and exert. But we are lulled and still likes to play around, should not be fooled
by highly melenakan game.
Times in our lives as individuals or groups, certainly will never escape the good times and then replaced
times are tough, it is a certainty, just as surely as the alternation of rainy season was met by drought tucker.
Let us not be complacent even inferior to animals called caterpillars that have a superior work ethic and has a pattern of view that far ahead that
pursue the future with hard work, because the future of the difficulties and trials that will surely come and approach us, then the preparation
mature and hard work are able to help us and not laziness and procrastinate.

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